Staff Training and CPD

As an Early Years staff we are very proactive in identifying training needs and moving our own learning forward. Each year a strength gap analysis of the current children in setting is carried out using baseline and other assessment data.  This information is then used to inform the CPD for our Early Years Team, ensuring the training accessed if relevant and of benefit to the children accessing the setting at the time.
  In May 2022 we were lucky to have Kym Scott visit our setting to work alongside staff and leaders to identify further areas for improvement. 
Alongside CPD all staff take an active part in moderation in a number of ways:
 School based: with colleagues we work with and colleagues from further up the school
Local Authority: with colleagues from across the county & at end of year to look at ELGs. The setting was externally moderated in May 2018, where judgements were robust and accurate. 
Cluster group: There are termly meeting across a number of local schools which are attended by Early Years staff.